Spending too much time worrying about your inventory?


You always seem to have too much inventory of items that don’t sell. But you have to warehouse it, insure it, take a loss as its value depreciates, count it quarter after quarter, year after year or write it off. Sage Inventory Advisor can help you release cash that is tied up in excess inventory.

Sage Inventory Advisor is a cloud-based solution. It is a quick fix for small and medium-size businesses that want to replace manual inventory processes with something automated.

Retiring hand counts to adopt a digital alternative is the first step towards inventory optimization. Sage Inventory Advisor works in manufacturing, distribution or retail to get inventory where it’s needed, when it’s needed.

Sage Inventory Advisor helps companies reduce stock outs, excess inventory and working capital. It does this by:

  • Leveraging inventory and sales data in real-time. These numbers had limited use when they were compiled by annual or quarterly manual processes.
  • Accurate, cost-effective forecasting at macro or micro level that takes less time than it did when you employed a manual system.
  • Connecting directly to your Sage ERP solution for a low additional cost.
  • Determining target fill rates and the investment needed to achieve them.
  • Freeing up 15% to 20% of cash currently tied up in inventory.
  • Setting metrics about product levels that make sense for your business.
  • Quickly accessing any inventory item’s details from a centralized database.

Sage Inventory Advisor dashboard KPIs of your choosing track your service levels and stock holdings. Sage Inventory Advisor includes a Recommended Orders function that tells you what, when and how to purchase.


To learn more about Sage Inventory Advisory, register to attend our upcoming November 10 11:30 AM PT webinar.