Sage Fixed Assets
More Than Depreciation
Eliminate complicated and error prone spreadsheets. Save time and money managing your fixed assets using the best depreciation calculation engine.
- Manage depreciation with more than 50 depreciation methods including MACRS 150 percent and 200 percent (formulas and tables), ACRS, Straight-Line, etc.
- Help ensure compliance with government regulations
- Integrate with popular general ledger systems
Learn more about Sage Fixed Assets Depreciation.
Accurate and relevant reports are critical to managing your fixed assets well; they’re the best way to view your fixed asset inventory and determine how to best manage them.
- Customize your own reports by using existing reports as a starting point
- Edit report headers and footers for quick customization for different audiences
- Preview a layout of customized reports you create, then store report definitions for future use or editing
Learn more about Sage Fixed Assets Reporting.
Track all of your project details including status, contacts, notes, and all the financials—plus monitor both physical and financial completion of projects.
- Create custom access profiles with built-in security settings for specific product features and projects
- View your organization across all projects at the project, line-item, and transaction level as well as at-a-glance status updates with built-in reports
- Import invoices and other purchasing information from your accounts payable system
Learn more about Sage Fixed Assets Tracking.
To get the most out of your fixed assets, you have to account for everything, including fixed assets before they even become fixed assets.
- Track all of your project details including status, contacts, notes, and all the nancials—plus monitor both physical and financial completion of projects
- Customize fields to your organization’s needs with over 45 user-defined fields covering multiple levels of detail
- Create custom access profiles with built-in security settings for specific product features and projects
Learn more about Sage Fixed Assets Planning.
Sage FAS has everything you need to conduct physical fixed asset inventories. Use state-of-the-art Microsoft® Windows® Mobile barcode scanners to conduct multiple inventories concurrently at multiple sites and reconcile data at one central location.
- Eliminate lost or stolen assets and reduce insurance costs with asset tracking software including check in/check out functionality for mobile assets
- Control data entry with customizable fields and clearly describe asset records with notes and images
- Label and track assets with a range of preprinted bar code labels and bar code readers
Learn more about Sage Fixed Assets Inventory.
Fixed Assets White Paper
Whether you’re reporting to senior management, a government agency, internal/external auditors, donors and executive boards, or the IRS, you’re accountable for the status and value of your organization’s many fixed assets.
Those assets can take the form of buildings, machinery, computers and other electronic equipment, office furnishings, even assets you build.
Accurately tracking their varied lifecycles can be a daunting task— especially when there’s so much at stake.
You need to:
- Constantly stay in compliance with the latest (and ever-changing) regulations or risk being penalized
- Be prepared for an unforeseen disaster and have the capability to recover quickly
- Make sure you’re not overpaying on taxes and insurance, while taking advantage of the most current tax credits
- Optimize your and your staff’s time to eliminate redundant and repetitive activities
Any one of these responsibilities is stressful, but taken all together they can be overwhelming.
Get the Sage Fixed Assets Depreciation Management White Paper.
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