Custom Reports for ERP, CRM, and HRMS
Why do I need reporting?
We all know that having a database of information can be an important aspect of managing our businesses. In fact it’s hard to imagine a business today that doesn’t use some form of data management system or process. ISM provides training and custom report writing for ERP, CRM, and HRMS, including all of the Sage family of products and Acumatica ERP.
Having an ERP systems is critical for business success in many industries. As powerful as having such a system may be… even more critical is being able to meaningfully use the data your system generates. That is where ISM Report Writers can help.
We take the data in your data management systems and present it to you in ways that make it useful. Experience has shown that even when the best data management system has been put into place, your needs continue to change. Custom reporting allows you to continue using existing systems in a world of changing requirements.
We may be able to help you run your business far better, providing useful insight that leads to lasting positive change – at a fraction of the cost it would take to modify your application itself.
Contact ISM to learn more about how we can help with writing custom reports for ERP such as Sage and Acumatica, as well as for your other critical business systems like CRM and HRMS.
Simply understated, reporting is a powerful tool.