Acumatica Inter Company Accounting

Automate financial reporting, inventory transfers, vendor payments, cash management, and inter-company transfers across multiple related companies
With Acumatica’s Inter-Company Accounting module, you can track financials and create reports separately for an unlimited number of related companies within your organization. The system will automatically create due-from and due-to entries for inter-company transactions so your accounts stay in balance, and your consolidated reports accurately reflect company-wide results. Inter-Company Accounting is integrated with the Financial Suite, Distribution Suite, and Project Accounting.
Key Features of Inter-Company Accounting:
- Company based reporting – Individual ledgers are maintained for each company. Inter-company transactions can be automatically eliminated when reporting across multiple companies.
- Centralized payments – Companies can purchase goods and services that are approved and paid by other companies. Profitability reports reflect the purchase at the company level.
- Centralized invoicing – Sales orders can be initiated from one company but invoiced and collected by a centralized accounting team from a different company.
- Inventory assignment – Assign warehouses and inventory to specific companies. Inventory transfers initiate inter-company transfers to preserve company-level reporting.
Key Benefits
Centralized Accounting
Reduce overhead by centralizing accounting functions such as cash management, vendor payments, and customer invoicing in a single company. Income and expenses are attributed to the company that initiated the transaction.
Customized Reports and Inquiries
Deliver customized reports across one, many, or all companies with integrated query and reporting tools. Financial reporting tools eliminate inter-company transactions on company-wide reports.
Simplified Maintenance
Reduce setup time and provide a centralized view of transactions – related companies share vendor and customer records.
Accessible From Anywhere
The Cloud makes it easy to manage financials and distribute reports across companies in different geographical locations. Remote users can access the system using any browser-enabled device.